Past & Present

Change is a phase everything will go through without excemption. It is indeed inevitable. While nothing lasts and stays per always, this doesn't make those changed as something of lesser value nor unuseful. Things as of now were discoveries and merely revisions and innovations from the past, all thanks to the boffins responsible. Rooting from what technology was three decades ago compared with the advances today got me thinking of how far we have gone. 

As if change is in sync with every bat of an eye, time indeed flies so fast. From a world where everyone were still trying to know life, we've now come to the age of realization of not just life but with the vastness it offers. We now see the differences as our similarities, the abnormalities as normals and change as constant. The list could go on but it would always end the same, the bottomline is that we've grown so as the world and technology had evolved and is still growing.

The present mirrors the past, indeed. Considering our parents ways of living, and the types of technology they have: the black and white televisions, newspapers and radios as their source of information, the walkie talkies, telegram, and cellphones with keypads as their means of communication and their superstitions which they put importance to that basically they usually set as basis to what is the right thing to do or what is not. Compared with today's LED flat screen tv's, the smartphones, laptops and the internet, the beliefs provided with scientific explanations they say. Evident massive differences with the features, appearances and usage but they also have undeniable similarities.

Reaching the age of millinium where the 21st century people continues to do great things and technology is at its finest, offers a lot in every aspects in many ways-- conveniency for an instance. The newest inventions and discoveries makes everything easier and faster. Works are done digitally with just a flick of the fingers however, every greatness has its downsides. Albeit millinials claimed to be more productive because of the assistance newer technology provides, people are often reduced to a tech- dependent and lazy someone, most especially the students on their school works and stuffs. I could tell. Although new found ways tend to connect individuals that are far from each other, the one's who are just at arms- reached seemed to be further because of the lack if personal talks. Moreover, beliefs are considered a part of culture and the culture we believed in contributes to the fullness of our identity and yet, because we wanted and has to be more scientific and practical the superstitions and beliefs of the past deemed to be hilarious at some point.

Let's just remember that, even though we managed to bypassed the past at some level, still, the things we have today were gifts from the past since there were still a lot of what they had yesterday that we have today and we still make use of them. So, although past maybe past still let's leave past with regards.


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